This morning, my sister sent me an interesting article about travelers... Loved it so much and found myself in many of its points that I decided to share it with you.
34 Signs You Are Addicted to Traveling, By Matthew Kepnes published on Thought Catalog
The first time I took a trip alone was to Costa Rica when I was 23. I had never really traveled before that. My family had only done a few trips to Disney World and a cruise when I was younger. That trip changed my life. And ever since then I’ve become a travel addict. I got the travel bug.
Once the travel bug infects you, there is no going back – you are a traveler for life. Everything you do will revolve around travel. I have the bug. I’m addicted.

Here are some signs you might be a travel addict too:
You start all your stories with “When I was in…”
You only TIVO the travel channel.
You read guidebooks for fun.
You plan trips you will never take.
You take toilet paper everywhere you go out of habit.
You have more than one currency in your wallet.
You keep a packed suitcase handy just in case.
Your iPod only has songs related to traveling.
You run a travel blog
You speak in airport codes not city names.
You can tell where people have been by the cheesy logos and sayings on their shirts. (Same Same = Thailand, Yellow Star = Vietnam)
You don’t take sick days so you can use them for extra long vacations.
You have elite flier status on multiple airlines.
You attend travel conferences multiple times a year.
You always ask people “where are you from?” instead of “How are you?”
You don’t have paintings on the wall – you have maps.
If you haven’t been anywhere in a few months, you get the shakes.
You spend two hours each day reading travel blogs and websites.
You subscribe to multiple travel magazines.
When you think of prices, you value things in terms how many days in your next destination it costs. “That TV is ten days in Paris! Let’s get this one – it’s only five!”
Some people voted for Barack Obama, you voted for Anthony Bourdain.
When people ask you about your hobbies, all your answers contain the word “travel.”
Some people cry when they leave home. You cry when you have to go back.
When people ask you your profession, you say vagabond.
You filled your passport in the first year you had it.
Lonely Planet is your homepage.
You are a travel hacker – not because you travel a lot but because it’s fun.
You have trips planned for next decade.
Your tramp stamp is a globe.
You can identify planes just by looking at them.
You can name the airline by looking an airplane’s tale.
You can say “Cheers” in multiple languages.
Your bookshelf only has travel novels.
You write a post about being a travel addict.
Travel Blog traveling Thought Catalog Matthew Kepnes 34 Signs You Are Addicted to Traveling around the world
Travel & Tourism