While walking along the isles of The Beirut Cooking Festival, I spotted a water glass bottle from a distance. I walked towards the stand to have a closer look and to my happy surprise I discovered that my dream has been realized. Talaya proudly introduces the first 1liter recyclable GLASS water bottle in Lebanon!
Let me rewind a bit and tell you what I have always dreamt of:
- I have dreamed of having pure glass bottles in restaurants in Lebanon
- I have dreamed of having locally produced glass bottles that are not very expensive and compete with brands like Aqua Panna and Evian
- I have dreamed of a company that would produce recyclable glass bottles that can be refilled
- I have dreamed that these bottles will upscale our restaurant sector with the additional fine dining elements that are still missing in our country
Talaya is the name given by the Phoenicians to their goddess of dew, being the source of Pure Water on Earth.When Sohat first introduced their glass bottle, I was the first to be disappointed and I'll tell you why... Here, I take a step back and ask myself if Sohat had done enough market research before they launched their glass bottle of water:
- Is it logical to pay more for a local water bottle, when international companies available like Evian and Aqua Panna are available for less. Sohat LL8000 vs International Brands LL7000 (on average)
- Sohat bottles are non refillable and non-recyclable. The country will soon be flood with an additional unwanted quantity of waste

Today, I discovered a new company that has taken a more logical approach towards creating an innovative glass water bottle - which I think all restaurants should start using as soon as possible.
When we set out to bottle our very distinctive water, we made sure from the beginning that it would be bottled with the utmost attention to purity. We did not rush into production for the sake of cash flow. We did not cut corners. We insisted on proper government licensing, spent more in order to ensure that the entire interior of our plant is coated with bacteria-inhibiting coatings, and we tested and retested until we were sure of perfection.
Talaya is pure water, rich in minerals, good for your health. Talaya is bottled at 1,735m.
Bravo Talaya. I sure hope that everyone will start using these bottles soon, at homes and all hospitality sector.
PS: By the way, check out their beautifully designed website and discover the professionalism of this company