April 24, 2019 Metn Mount Lebanon Lebanon Middle East

In the Kitchen with Chocolate Master, Chef Pierre Abi Haila

It's Easter and what better time to discover more chocolates... Pierre welcomed me into his atelier "Le Noir" in Broumana to work with him, and prepare some chocolate eggs we all wait for after lent... not to mention year after year.  This pastry chef, with his unmatched passion, uses Valhrona chocolate to prepare his creations. Check out the video for more information about this meticulous process into the world of chocolate easter eggs.

Le Noir is an ode to refined luxurious chocolate produced with premium-quality ingredients and a labor of love. Pierre even prepares his own praliné, a confectionery combining nuts, sugar, and often cream to be incorporated in chocolate. His clients are diverse, from hotels, restaurants and pastry shops, to individual and corporate customers as well as caterers. There are a select handful of chocolatiers in Lebanon with whom Pierre competes, but rather than feel intimidated, his approach is more sanguine. Competition drives the quality of the product—chocolate—up, thereby forcing the Lebanese palate to evolve and stimulating Pierre to continue innovating. He looks up to the inimitable work of master patissiers Patrick Roger, Pierre Marcolini, and Alain Ducasse, the three of whom are celebrated as gods in their industry. (Beirutista)


Categories: Chocolate





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