October 03, 2013

No Child Should die of Heart Disease Because of a Lack of Funds

Dine at Casper & Gambini's and help Brave Heart save lives
Every year, 1 in 100 baby is diagnosed with congenital heart disease at birth; that’s almost half a million children worldwide dying of CHD. With appropriate resources the lives of at least 400 children can be saved each year in Lebanon.

BraveHeart Fund Most defects can be corrected or improved with surgery or with newly available non-surgical procedures using catheter-based therapy, coils, stents and implantable devices. True to the  ‘All Children Welcome policy’ the Brave Heart Fund helps cover the cost of hospital treatment and surgeries for children whose families qualify for financial aid at the AUBMC Social Service Office, irrespective of gender, race, nationality or religious affiliation. Every day children are diagnosed with CHD, but many are unfortunately compelled to postpone surgery due to a lack of resources. This fund aims to provide an immediate funding source so that they can live a normal life.

With a survival rate of over 97%, the Children’s Heart Center at the AUBMC provides the best medical care that modern medicine has to offer.
When the Brave Heart Fund started in 2003, we promised that 100% of all donations would be used to cover medical expenses; we have kept that promise.
Much has been accomplished since 2003, but there is always more to be done; and in today’s economic climate, your support is vital to the survival of many children. We appeal to you to help us carry on working towards our mission that: “no child should die from heart disease because of a lack of funds”.
Categories: News





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