November 05, 2022

4 Foods You Can Eat That Have Healthy Fats

Did you know that some fats can be good for you? Let's explore different food options that can help promote good health to keep your body strong.

Foods with fats often get a bad rap. But did you know healthy fats are a legitimate component of proper nutrition? These are also known as unsaturated fats.

You can experience many benefits when you eat these foods, such as good heart health and more. Let’s go over some popular options that contain healthy fats.

Fatty Fish

If you’re looking for food that’s packed with nutrients, you might consider adding fatty fish to your diet. Here are a few options:

  • Salmon
  • Trout
  • Mackerel
  • Herring

One well-known advantage of this superfood is how it contains Omega-3 fatty acids, which many associate with keeping the brain and heart functioning at their prime. Learn more about the health benefits of eating fatty fish to discover how it can help you.


One great option for foods you can eat that have healthy fats is nuts. Like fatty fish, many types exist, so you’re bound to find one you enjoy. Some popular options include:

  • Macadamia nuts
  • Almonds
  • Walnuts
  • Pecans

In addition to having healthy fats, a handful of nuts is a healthy snack that can boost protein, which helps you feel full. Some people who incorporate nuts into their diet can better maintain their weight. This food is also chock full of vitamins.

Olive Oil

We love using olive oil in Middle Eastern cooking. It adds impeccable flavor and nutrients to just about any dish. Whether you prefer extra-virgin olive oil or the regular variety, you are guaranteed incredible health benefits when you cook with it.

The most popular fact dieticians often cite is how olive oil promotes good heart health. This is because it contains monosaturated fats. If your family has a history of heart problems, you may do well trading in the butter for olive oil.

Dark Chocolate

Those who love dessert will revel in knowing that dark chocolate contains healthy fats. While it’s considerably more bitter than its milk chocolate counterpart, you can always pair it with something sweet to bring a harmony of flavors.

Dark chocolate often goes well with fruit, so consider eating chocolate-covered strawberries. Another wonderful option is nuts dipped in dark chocolate, which gives you the benefits of two foods from this list. Our favorite is chocolate-covered pecans because it combines bitter and sweet flavors.

There are plenty of foods that contain healthy fats. From savory fish to dark chocolate, you’re guaranteed to find a great option to incorporate into your diet.

Tags: Food Healthy
Categories: News





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