December 28, 2023

Beyond The Veil: Exploring Hermetic Principles

Hermetism is a set of philosophical and religious beliefs based primarily upon the writings attributed to Hermes Trismegistus, a syncretic amalgamation of the Greek God Hermes and the Egyptian God Thoth.  

The ancient philosophical and spiritual tradition originated in Egypt and flourished during the Hellenistic period. Hermetism, named after the Greek deity Hermes Trismegistus, who was linked to wisdom and knowledge, contains a wide range of teachings, including those related to astrology, alchemy, philosophy, spirituality, and magic. 

This concept strongly emphasizes how everything in the cosmos is interconnected—in this example, through cosmic vibrations that exist within every living thing. This also played a major factor in the development of Western occultism and the contemporary scientific approach.  

To gain more insights on hermeticism, join us as we delve into the hidden facets of hermeticism in the article below.

Hermetic Principles

The hermetic principles are a collection of age-old precepts that are transmitted from generation to generation. In the 20th century, The Kybalion, a book by William Walker Atkinson written on Hermetism, became the formalized version of them. Below is a list of a few of them.

1. The Principle of Mentalism 

"The All is Mind; the Universe is Mental."

According to the principle of mentalism, the cosmos is like a mental projection. Similar to manifestation, it is all about directing your ideas to create the world you want. Anything that exists must first be thought of. According to this theory, God is awareness or thinking, and the cosmos expresses God's thoughts. By applying this concept, we may also use our thoughts to manifest our desired life. 

2. The Principle of Correspondence 

"As above, so below; as below, so above." 

Although the statement is well-known, it may not have occurred to you that Hermes was the original author. The statement asserts that our world is shaped by the ideas we have in our minds and is strongly tied to the first mentalism principle. It describes the multiple levels of existence, their connections, and the vibrational frequencies of the lower and higher planes. 

3. The Principle of Vibration 

"Nothing rests; everything moves; everything vibrates."

The Principle of Vibration in Hermeticism suggests that everything in the universe is always moving and vibrating. Unbelievably, the concept of "vibes" has existed for a long time.

According to the idea of vibration, every entity, including spiritual energy and material stuff, has a certain vibration. Moreover, according to fundamental physics, the cosmos and atoms are both always in motion. Our emotional states influence the vibrations that even our beating hearts emit. Additionally, while we're "vibing high," we may avoid unhelpful low-frequencies. 

4. The Principle of Polarity 

The Hermetic principle of polarity holds that all facts are merely half-truths and that opposites are the same in nature but differ in degree. Hot and cold are basic illustrations of this.

Heat and cold are simple forms of temperature; cold is simply the absence of heat. Spiritual energy vibrates much higher than physical matter, making it imperceptible to our senses.

Physical matter and spiritual energy are the same thing. A connection towards anything is what both love and hatred are ways of feeling the same thing. This is the base of alchemy, the capacity to "transmute" your experiences as you see fit.

5. The Principle of Rhythm 

The idea behind the Hermetic Principle of Rhythm is that everything in existence, including the natural world, has a flow, a swing, and a time for every purpose. The polarity principle, which asserts that there is an innate rhythm between the opposing poles, is closely connected to this idea. The tides come and go. Inhaling, we release air. Everything moves. Seasons exist in both nature and human existence.

By comprehending this idea, we may identify the inherent rhythms of both the cosmos and our own lives and use them to our advantage rather than against it. 

6. The Principle of Cause and Effect

"Every cause has its effect; every effect has its cause; everything happens according to law; chance is but a name for law not recognized; there are many planes of causation, but nothing escapes the law."

Every cause has an effect, and every effect has a cause, according to the Principle of Cause and Effect, another tenet of Hermetic philosophy. The law of cause-and-effect links everything together because, from the beginning, every cause of anything is just the result of something else. 

Consider the following: What led to the situation when it didn't go as expected, or you were unhappy? Frequently, we discover ourselves responding to the environment around us, caught in a cycle of responding to our situation instead of creating our route. We go from feeling helpless to powerful when we take action to get the desired outcome.

Do you think you are the cause? Or do you simply exist as an effect? This principle is about realizing the impact of our ideas and actions and how we may modify them to have more significant outcomes. 


Using concepts like mentalism, correspondence, vibration, polarity, rhythm, and cause and effect, hermeticism—which has its roots in the teachings of Hermes Trismegistus—reveals cosmic revelations. 

This age-old custom facilitates self-discovery and harmony with divine rules by tying the person to the universe. It encourages inner development for oneness with the cosmos by embracing humanity's dualism. 

The search for knowledge in hermeticism is academic and experiential, leading students toward enlightenment, harmony, and spiritual development. Seeking cosmic truths encourages people to align their lives with universal values and transcend the self to accept the divine nature that permeates reality.

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