- Tabboule am fattouch?
- Hommos ma3 lahme
- ...A7san wou a7san...
- Mtabbalbatenjen ma3 debesremmenwou basal bi nosso
- Bemye bil zeit, msa23at batenjen, hendbe?
- Batata mad2ou2a da2!
- Batata ma3 el kezbra, mouka3abet
- ...Men tebe3...
- Arnabittoumkezebra basal akhdartaratorjanba
- Basterma bidoun shaman
- Some phrases are added here and there like: "Mech ghalat abadan!"
- Tajen ma3 el jawzwoullawz
- Ba2le batenjen ma3 debs el remmenwou basal akhdar
- Fishe bi t7ine
- Balila
- labnet me3ze mka3zale ma3 el jawz
- And here Fouad asks "Wade3 el naiy salim 2aw ghayr salim"? And if you answer 'NO' to raw meat, Fouad says: "Cancel el naiy niha2iyan!" and the choices continue...
- Makanek ma3 el batata
- Soujouk ma3 che2af el 7amod
- Sawdadjej ma3 debs el remmen
- Sawdaghanam me2liye bel 7amod metfiye
- Omelette bel jebneh, me2liyye ma3 2awarma laban 7adda
- Bayd 3youn me2le 3al khebez festo2 rachet mele7 wousemsom
- Shmamitmghatsabellaban
- Batenjene bel foron jebneh 3ala wejja Sader m7alwan Haniba3el (La7met el ketef bi wara2 el ghar)
- Kebbe ma3 laban
- Halloumbelhalioun el barre
- Atyab la7me mechwiyye 3a kell el 2arade el lebneniyeh. Tene wa7ad bya3mol la7me mechwe byotla3 warana ra2em 3echrine...
- Men machiyon wara b3don... Weelcom! Weelcom!
As I already mentioned, every plate served on the table has a story and a proverb which the waiter says out loud as he places the plates on the table. Here are some of the ones I could remember: "Fattouch bi 3alli el rmouch" "Mtabbal ma3 debs el remmen bi khali 7abibak 3ech2en" "Arak m3attar bel anfas, byenzel la a7la el nass" "Batata mad2ou2a btetrok lal ness 72ou2a" "Khebez m7ammas lal chab el m2almaz" "Kebbe bel laban bteb3od 3anna el fetan" "S7oun mdawra la a7la wjouh mnawra" "Jat fwekeh la Hal maleyke" "Makanek ma3 el batata bet3ich bikel bassata" "Na3na3 bikhale hawakon yetla3la3"
Here and there the famous signature sentence all the waiters repeat "Mech ghalat abadan". "Mech ghalat abadan" is what made Fouad famous. Everything is more than delicious. Plates are light and simple with a pronounced taste yet clear and tasty. The staff is so welcoming and so happy to be part of the Fouad's family.
This place is truly your home away from home; Fouad Khalil's heaven makes your smile come out naturally. Helped by a staff that believes in their patron visions, making them act, smile and welcome you the same way. No school and no training needed, they are more professional than most pretentious waiters in Beirut. “Mech ghalat abadan” is what made Fouad famous.
Dinner was served:
- Fattouch: A huge plate filled to top constituted of small pieces of purslane, tomato, radish, lettuce, parsley, bell pepper, green onions and toasted bread adding to that a tiny bit of garlic, pomegranate molasses and lemon.
- Tabbouleh: A rich and generous plate with more tomatoes than parsley and borghol. Super delicious and adequately seasoned. Lemon has a strong interesting aftertaste.
- Mtabbal: Very nice Hummus Special with pickles, parsley and bell pepper. That's awesome.
- Mashed potatoes with tomato sauce in the middle. Superb!
- Labneh prepared in small balls and mixed with nuts. Simply breathtaking!
- Halloumi bel halioun: Soft and tender, juicy and seasoned with oregano. With mini wild asparagus. A great idea indeed
- Eggs with peanuts: Toasted bread with sumac, nuts and eggs
- Haniba3el with potato wou wara2 el ghar. The softest meat ever imaginable. You can't help closing your eyes after every bite
- Kebbe and laban: Nothing close to any kebbe or laban you eat in town. Kebbe without minced meat floating on a special laban mix
- Makanek with pomegranate molasses on the side
- Hommos with soft tender meat with grilled cut almonds and pine nuts. Crunchy soft and tenderness blended together. Yum!!!!
- Borghol and tomatoes: Soft, tender and served hot with a strong spicy aftertaste. One of the best I've ever tasted
- Balila Raw meat with pine nuts and garlic slices
- Raw Kebbe Meat and taouk: fresh, soft, juicy and tender. Really great. The meat is unique and one of the best as Fouad describes it.
- Goats, called "3weiss" are the local speciality of Hrajel's mountains. Only 15 shepherds still have this unique breed and Fouad serves it to his clientele. A meat soft and tender like nothing you tasted before
- Desserts are mouthwatering: Dessert at Fouad is something else. Every time I try it I am amazed at how good they are. Every bite is like a perfume in the mouth. Nammoura and Mabroum bel loz. Helween bel joz. Ma2routa. 7alsa. Homemade Apple jam. Mouhallabiya bakhara with meske from greece. Yes, the world's best Mouhallabiya with no close competition.
What can I say that has not been said before? You are welcomed by Fouad, the order is taken by Fouad and you eat the food prepared by Fouad himself... All I know is that if you enjoy Lebanese food and crave for that genuine Lebanese hospitality and generosity Fouad is the place to go. I don’t think that any other restaurant in Lebanon can offer you this experience.
At Fouad the experience is unique on many levels: An extraordinary welcoming, superb food, awesome choices along with well trained staff who will absolutely make you leave in total awe. Everyone I know who has visited Fouad plan on coming back again and again…