February 27, 2016

Arabnet Teams Up with Souk El Akel: Food and Fun in Mar Mikhael

Since 2012, NoGarlicNoOnions has been attending Arabnet's Taste of Beirut events and this year we'll be teaming up together -with Souk el Akel- to celebrate the very best the city has to offer at Junkyard in Mar Mikhael.

souk el akel arabnet post

Come down and discover the finest culinary creations coming out of our city. Meet the speakers and guests, talk about food and Beirut, learn about great Lebanese products and sample some delicious food in a welcoming, warm environment.

Some of Beirut's best restaurants will be there and if last year's French-American-Chinese-South American-Indian-Ethiopian-Levantine experience is anything to go by, there'll be something to tickle every one's taste buds!

We love this kind of event and it's something we're passionate about. The community that has grown up around NGNO and Souk el Akel really brings out the best in foodies and food throughout the country and the Arabnet event helps bring us all together to celebrate our country's rich, diverse food industry.

We'll see you there, Junkyard, March 2nd, 5.00 pm onwards!

Tags: Souk El Akel
Categories: News Souk el Akel Events





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