March 31, 2012

A Cook Book that You Can Cook and Eat!

A real cook book with one recipe created by German-based design company Korefe. The recipe, as you can see, is written on fresh sheets of pasta, which - if you follow the directions - will transform into a hot, cheesy dish of lasagna. Yumm. Looks amazing!

"The first and only Cookbook you can actually read, cook and eat. Made out of 100% fresh pasta it can be opened, filled with ingredients and finally be cooked. Packaged as classic lasagne. The Cookbook was designed as a special project for a large publishing house." But you might want to write down the recipe first before you cook it and eat it. I like it. Perfect maybe for a first date dinner. Impress her with this gift, cook it for her, eat and then you'll win her heart.


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