Located in the heart of Sarba, I arrived at Furn Beaino at 7am. Yes this early. I have been aiming to come to this bakery for a while now especially that everyone around keeps recommending their Lahme Beajine - I had to try it for myself...
- Lahme Beajine
- Zaatar (extra)
- Jebneh (extra)
- Shanklish
- Sbenegh
- Lahme w Jebneh
- Zaatar w Jebneh
- Jebneh w Jambon
- Soujouk
- Soujouk w Jebneh
- Kafta
- Kafta w Jebneh
- Kawarma

Now I understand... The Lahme Beajine. Paper-thin dough, firm like a biscuit and covered with a fresh mix of meat prepared in house, tomatoes and onions. A mix of three colors layered on a beautiful circle. It's not soggy at all. You will enjoy pure rich meat. Ask for one served on a plate. Cut it in eight pieces like a pizza and enjoy every slice calmly. Enjoy the way it looks first, then the taste while every bite crumbles under your teeth. Have a bite, and another and you'll end up eating more than you had planned... Without garlic, the right amount of onions, this lahem beajine is breathtaking. I couldn’t stop looking at its details, the crispy black borders, the meat covering the entire surface homogeneously… Bravo! Everyone was right; Furn Beaino does have a fine Lahme Beajine.

Wissam, the son, talks about this family business with such passion. He is the one handling Furn Beaino’s Instagram account where beautiful pictures are posted everyday. His brother Samer helps him but both work with their father Toni. They work hard from the first minute the bakery opens until closing at 11pm, everyday except sundays, the family reunion day.

On another hand, the kafta mankoushe is something you should order for lunch. Using the same dough, 100grams of kafta is spread covered with 60 grams of the same trio-cheese mix. Cooked to perfection it’s then decorated with tomatoes, cucumber pickles and a subtle line of mayonnaise, An innovation full of taste: The kafta mix is juicy and fresh releasing a cocktail of rich flavors with every bite. This is something I enjoyed and felt that the ingredients truly complement the same dough.

- Take away sandwiches are rolled then put in a small nylon bag, not to spill around.
- The owner, with his large smile, handles the cash machine as he welcomes a long list of accustomed customers.
- A simple space that's clean and neat.
- The Lahme Beajine dough is unique, different from the ones used to make manakish
- The quality if the meat is exceptional