February 11, 2015 Iceland Europe

Iceland: A Match Made in Heaven...

Excitement arose as fresh air filled my lungs. Putting us in contact was a challenge! Will it work between us? I could hear the sound of my feet on the white carpet of snow as I walked out of the doors, cold caressing my cheeks... But I couldn't control my breathing, heavy, yet excited breathing... We had just met; it was love at first site, love at first breath, love at first encounter... Iceland, it was a match made in heaven....


Last November, I knew that I would be traveling to Iceland in January and I couldn't stop dreaming about it. I love the cold and the serenity of nature during winter and the name intrigued me, Iceland and ice land.

Spending two very quick days surrounded by Iceland's wildlife, I tried to discover as much as I could by planning and promising myself I'd come back in the year to come.


My impressions of Iceland are clear: 

  • I enjoyed traveling on Iceland Air so much, the professionalism and Internet onboard.
  • Their airport is so nice, an architectural, clean marvel.
  • I loved the welcoming and large smiles.
  • The food is delicious.
  • Their hotels are castles of dreams.
  • The nature is breathtaking.
  • The capital is a new kind of experience.
  • The pictures you can take are simply paintings.


If you're planning on visiting Iceland, here are some tips, Iceland 101: 

  • Bring your professional camera, the Northern Lights are breathtaking.
  • The capital is called Reykjavik, meaning Smoky Bay.
  • As soon as you land, take a deep breath and enjoy the clean air.
  • Electricity in Iceland is 220v, exactly like Europe. 
  • English is widely and well spoken in Iceland. 
  • It's cold, so be prepared to wear different layers, gloves and to cover your head. 
  • It's crucial to always have a bathing suit to visit the thermal pools. 
  • The tap water is drinkable. 
  • The currency is the Krona. 
  • Around the island is the Ring Road, which you can follow to get a complete look at the country.

I was there for 48 hours but managed to stay in two hotels, have lunch in different places around the country, and stop at rest houses to blend with the country's inhabitants.

You can read my detailed reports and start planning your next trip to Iceland soon. Summer or winter, both seasons offer special views and adventures.

Categories: Travel & Tourism





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Batroun: Peaceful and Serene City


Bad: Brussels Airlines' Business Lounge at Brussels Airport