Kit Kat has joined in the fun with their LEGO creation of a Kit Kat bar filled with details like the real candy. According to Break Mania Some of these details include the international Kit Kat wrapper, four chocolate fingers, and layers of wafer. They also created their own box with set number 27325 and have name it #LEGOKITKAT.

Here at KIT KAT we are huge fans of LEGO. Because nobody is better at building a great break than LEGO, except for us maybe. So during one of our occupational breaks we came up with the idea of a KIT KAT entirely made of LEGO bricks. We call the result simply #LegoKITKAT and it comes with a lot of authentic details: the KIT KAT logo, a red wrapper, four chocolate fingers, layers of wafer and even a snapping sound when you break it! And even though we don´t really expect #LegoKITKAT to hit the shops anytime soon, we gave it a stylish box anyway. But the best bit about it: everyone can build his very own perfect break from it.When it will be released is not clear yet. But I would suggest that you control your cravings... they actually look too good to eat.
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